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Illustration of a human foot and ankle, somewhat transparent and with a blue aura. The bony anatomy of the foot and ankle is in focus.

Foot and Ankle

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The foot and ankle are made up of 26 bones and 33 joints. Together, these structures help maintain balance and shift weight when stepping from one foot to the other.

12 results returned
  • Achilles Tendon Injuries

    The Achilles tendon is a long, strong tendon located at the back of the ankle. This important tendon allows the foot to push off from the ground. Forceful injury or repeated strain over time can damage or irritate the Achilles...

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  • Ankle Fractures

    A broken ankle, or ankle fracture, is a break in one or more of the bones that make up the ankle joint. Ankle fractures typically result from falls or high-impact injuries that involve twisting or rolling the ankle. Depending on...

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  • Ankle Sprains

    Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries, resulting from twisting or rolling the ankle. This overstretches the ligaments that support the ankle, which can make the ankle unstable.

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  • Bunions

    A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the inner side of the foot at the base of the big toe. Bunions result from poor alignment of the bones that make up the big toe joint. They may get...

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  • Flatfoot Deformities

    Flatfoot deformities result from damage to the ligaments and tendons that support the alignment of the foot and ankle. This causes the foot arch to collapse and may shift the foot and ankle bones out of place. Flatfoot deformities are...

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  • Foot and Ankle Arthritis

    Arthritis develops from the gradual breakdown of cartilage within joints. When arthritis affects the foot and ankle joints, inflammation, pain, and joint stiffness can limit standing and walking.

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  • Heel Bone Fractures (Calcaneus Fractures)

    The heel bone, called the calcaneus, is the largest bone of the foot. It makes up the back of the foot and provides important attachment sites for the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia.

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  • Midfoot Injuries (Lisfranc Injuries)

    The middle part of the foot, called the midfoot, contains the Lisfranc joint, the area where the long metatarsal bones join some of the tarsal bones. The inner side of the midfoot contains the Lisfranc complex, formed from the first...

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  • Pilon Fractures of the Ankle

    A pilon fracture is a break in the end of the shinbone, or tibia, near the ankle. These complex fractures can occur in a variety of different patterns.

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  • Plantar Fasciitis

    The plantar fascia is thick, connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot to the heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is a common overuse injury resulting from inflammation of the plantar fascia.

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  • Small Toe Deformities

    Small toe deformities can affect any of the toes except the big toe. They occur when the bones and joints that make up the toes move out of normal alignment. Common types of small toe deformities include mallet toe, hammertoe,...

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  • Toe and Forefoot Fractures

    The toes and feet are made up of many small bones, which include the metatarsals (foot bones) and phalanges (toe bones). Injury involving direct impact to the feet can cause fractures in any of these bones.

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